Baseball – Priceless Signature Set (World Series – Autographs)

The autograph(s) below are historic World Series signed box score game cards. These autograph (s) represent a player(s) who played in that historic World Series and in most cases played a significant role in the series outcome. The autographs range from the Ruth Called Sot (1932) almost 90 years ago to a slew of historic home runs and pitching feats. 
A few stats: This World Series includes over 50 HOF’s and 50+ players that have passed away since signing the historic box score game card.

Series includes: 84 player signatures (29 HOF’s & 44 players who have since passed away).

Click the box score side for the signature, the back side for the game article that will identify why the autograph(s) are very valuable.
The signature & game article are 80% resolution, and, in most cases, we have multiple signed cards for each series. 

Pennant Race Card #0018 – September 27, 1942


Autograph(s): Crosetti (D) played in historic game.
Comment: Frank Crosetti was the starting shortstop in this historic World Series game known as the ‘Ruth Called Shot’. Crosetti had an incredible Yankee career and to any Yankee fan worth his salt he is forever known as Mr. Yankee.  A very valuable autograph.

Box Score Grade Importance: 8.9

Player’s history: 
Frankie Crosetti – Wikipedia

World Series Card #0019 – October 5, 1941

Autograph(s): Henrich (D), Owen (D) played in historic game.
Comment: The key players in this historic World Series game resulting in the most famous missed third strike.  at the time it was believed by many Brooklyn fans that had Owen not missed that third strike and Dodgers had won the game and probably the Series as well, that the Dodgers would have solidified their position in New York and never have left.  Yes, they won in 1955 but by then the dye was cast.
Henrich was called ‘Mr. Clutch’ and for good reason.  Very valuable card considering the game and the players that signed it

Box Score Grade Importance 9.5

Player’s history:
Mickey Owen – Wikipedia
Tommy Henrich – Wikipedia

World Series Card #0020 – October 15, 1946

Autograph(s): Schoendienst (HOF – D), Slaughter (HOF – D), Garagiola (D),
Doerr (HOF – D), Pesky (D), D. DiMaggio (D).

Comment: This was quite a series with the Cardinals scoring the winning run in the seventh game when supposedly Pesky held the ball as Slaughter raced from first to home on a single.   How crazy was the series?  Garagiola who would later become a well-known TV personality as well as founding B.A.T. had more hits and RBI’s than Ted Willaims.
A number of significant autographs considering the teams and their careers.   

Box Score Grade Importance: 9.8

Player’s history:
Red Schoendienst – Wikipedia
Enos Slaughter – Wikipedia
Joe Garagiola Sr. – Wikipedia
Bobby Doerr – Wikipedia
Johnny Pesky – Wikipedia
Dom DiMaggio – Wikipedia   

Pennant Race Card  –  # 0021 October 3, 1947

Autograph(s): Rizzuto (HOF -D); Henrich (D) played in historic game. 
Comment: This legendary game is when a player (Bevens) almost did what no player in MLB had ever done (hero) to being the game’s goat.
In this game the winning run was scored by Spider Jorgensen who just happened to have debut as a rookie for the Dodgers this year along with another rookie, Jackie Robinson.  Note: Jorgensen had to borrow Robinson’s second base glove for the game.
Grade Level (Box Score Game Card): 8.0

Player’s history:
Phil Rizzuto – Wikipedia
Tommy Henrich – Wikipedia

World Series Card #0022 – September 29, 1954

Autograph(s): Mays (HOF), Rhodes (D), Dark (D), Doby (HOF – D), Grissom (D), Lockman (D), Mueller (D) played in historic game.
Comment: What’s significant about this game was that the Indians were heavy, heavy favourites and then the greatest catch in World Series history by Willie Mays and then a pinch-hit walk-off home run by Dusty Rhodes … all in game #1 changed everything.  The Indians never recovered.  A lot of significant autographs on this card.

Box Score Grade Importance: 10

Player’s history:
Willie Mays – Wikipedia
Larry Doby – Wikipedia
Dusty Rhodes (outfielder) – Wikipedia
Alvin Dark – Wikipedia
Marv Grissom – Wikipedia
Don Mueller – Wikipedia
Whitey Lockman – Wikipedia

World Series Card #0023 – October 4, 1955

Autograph(s): Podres (D), Ford (HOF – D), Berra (HOF – D), Zimmer(D), McDougald (D), Byrne (D), Turley. (D)
played in historic game.

Comment:  This was an historic game.  The beloved Brooklyn Dodgers finally beat their hated rival the New York Yankees (who had beaten them five times in the World Series) for their first championship title.  Johnny Podres pitcher a masterpiece! It was said that even many of the Yankee fans were routing for the BUMS!  All seven players (autographs) were well known players in baseball era.

Box Score Grade Importance: 9.8

Player’s history:
Johnny Podres – Wikipedia
Whitey Ford – Wikipedia
Yogi Berra – Wikipedia
Don Zimmer – Wikipedia
Gil McDougald – Wikipedia
Tommy Byrne (baseball) – Wikipedia
Bob Turley – Wikipedia 

World Series Card #0024 – October 8, 1956

Autograph(s): Larsen ( D) played in historic game.
Comment: The greatest pitched game in World Series history. Don Larsen’s autograph on this box score game card … a classic collectable!

Box Score Grade Importance: 9.4

Player’s history:
Don Larsen – Wikipedia

Pennant Race Card #0025 – October 8, 1956

Autograph(s): Mazeroski (HOF), Richardson played in historic game.
Comment:  By all accounts the most dramatic home run in World Series history – Bill Mazeroski walk-off ninth inning, seventh gamer!  So dramatic it got Mazeroski into the HOF.   Add Yankee’s Bobby Richardson’s autograph, a most unlikely MVP when the series started and from the losing team … pretty awesome. This was quite a series!

Box Score Grade Importance: 10

Player’s history:
Bill Mazeroski – Wikipedia
Bobby Richardson – Wikipedia

World Series Card #0026 – October 2, 1969

Autograph(s): Kaline (HOF – D); Gibson (HOF – D); Brock (HOF – D); McLain played in historic game.

Comment:  One of the most anticipated World Series opening day pitcher match up – Denny McLain verses Bob Gibson.  McLain a thirty-one regular game winner; Gibson this ’69 season setting the record for the lowest ERA in NL-MLB history would pitch the best opening day game in World Series history. Note: We have added a second signed card with three HOF’s – Kaline, Gibson & Brock to illustrated that we have multiple signed cards for each series.

Box Score Grade Importance: 10

Player’s history:
Bob Gibson – Wikipedia
Lou Brock – Wikipedia
Al Kaline – Wikipedia

Denny McLain – Wikipedia

World Series Card #0027 – October 16, 1969

Autograph(s): Koosman, Weis, Harrelson, Charles (D), Grote, Clendenon, Swoboda, Jones
played in historic game.

  These Amazin Mets took New York by storm and with the exception of the first man to land moon in the summer of ’69, there was no bigger story in America.
What makes these autographs so special not only did these players playd for the Mets in ’69 but the stories behind scene including Koosman whom won this game and how they ended up on the Mets … incredible! The autographs rare in itself.

Box Score Grade Importance: 10

Player’s history:
Jerry Koosman – Wikipedia
Al Weis – Wikipedia
Bud Harrelson – Wikipedia
Ed Charles – Wikipedia
Ron Swoboda – Wikipedia
Donn Clendenon – Wikipedia
Cleon Jones – Wikipedia
Jerry Grote – Wikipedia

World Series #0028 – October 13, 1971

Autograph(s): B. Robinson (HOF), Kison – played in historic game.
Comment: Bruce Kison in this game became the first pitcher to win a World Series night game … after 397day games.  Now that all the World Series games are played religiously at night. 

Box Score Grade Importance: 8.0

Player’s history: 
Bruce Kison – Wikipedia
Brooks Robinson – Wikipedia

World Series Card #0029 – October 21, 1975

Autograph(s): Fisk (HOF), Yaz (HOF), Perez (HOF), Bench (HOF), Morgan (HOF – D), Anderson (HOF – D / mgr), Rose, Carbo, Lynn, Tiant, Wise, – played in this historic game. Rice (HOF).
Comment: What makes this game so amazing is that it is considered one of the greatest games in World Series history, yet the Red Sox did win this WS.  However, the game was cancelled for two days prior, there were a number of sub plots including the fact that Red Sox hadn’t won a WS in over 50 years playing the ‘Big Red Machine’. The game was loaded with a bunch of future HOF’s including Fisk who walk-off home run won the game.  This is a loaded / rare, autographed card. 

Box Score Grade Importance: Priceless!

Player’s history:
Carlton Fisk – Wikipedia
Carl Yastrzemski – Wikipedia
Johnny Bench – Wikipedia
Joe Morgan – Wikipedia
Tony Pérez – Wikipedia
Sparky Anderson – Wikipedia
Jim Rice – Wikipedia
Pete Rose – Wikipedia
Luis Tiant – Wikipedia
Bernie Carbo – Wikipedia
Fred Lynn – Wikipedia
Rick Wise – Wikipedia

World Series Card #0030 – October 18, 1977

Autograph(s): Jackson (HOF), Torrez, Nettles, Piniella, played in historic game. Sparky Lyle
Comment: Reggie Jackson put on quite a show hitting three home runs on three pitches to put the Dodgers away in this 6th game of the 1977 World Series.  Though tied later by Palbo Sandoval & Albert Pujols … theirs were not in the deciding WS game.  Torrez was the winning pitcher

Box Score Grade Importance: 8.9.

Player’s history:

Reggie Jackson – Wikipedia
Mike Torrez – Wikipedia
Graig Nettles – Wikipedia
Lou Piniella – Wikipedia
Sparky Lyle – Wikipedia

World Series Card #0031 – October 26, 1985

Autograph(s): – Iorg, O. Smith (HOF) – played in historic game.  Vince Coleman
Comment: An historic day for the Kansas City Royals as Dana Iorg knocked in the tying and winning runs in the bottom of the ninth to give the Royals their first World Series title. 

Box Score Grade Importance: 9.0

Player’s history: 
Dane Iorg – Wikipedia
Ozzie Smith – Wikipedia

Vince Coleman – Wikipedia

World Series Card #0032 – October 25, 1986

Autograph(s): Buckner (D), Stanley, Schraldi, Henderson (D), Owens, Rice (HOF), Evans, Boggs (HOF) Clemens, Gedman, Strawberry – played in historic game. Buckner, Wilson
Comment: It was one of those games that will stand time as the Red Sox were ready to end 68 years of frustration only to have the Mets in the bottom of the tenth with two out, nobody on and behind by two runs come up with three to win game #6.  The final run coming on perhaps the most discussed error (Mookie Wilson’s grounder) in World Series history by Sox Bill Buckner.

Box Score Grade Importance: Priceless

Player’s history:
Bill Buckner – Wikipedia
Bob Stanley (baseball) – Wikipedia
Calvin Schiraldi – Wikipedia
Dave Henderson – Wikipedia
Spike Owen – Wikipedia
Jim Rice – Wikipedia
Darrell Evans – Wikipedia
Wade Boggs – Wikipedia
Roger Clemens – Wikipedia
Rich Gedman – Wikipedia
Darryl Strawberry – Wikipedia

World Series Card #0033 – October 15, 1988

Autograph(s): Gibson, Eckersley, Lasorda, La Russa, (Canseco) played in historic game.
Jose Canseco who accounted for all of Oakland’s runs with a grand slam has signed this card as well.
Comment:  Canseco hits a grand slam in the 1st inning, Dennis Eckersley who has been totally un-hittable all year comes in the ninth to face Kirk Gibson whom because of a bum knee cannot run but Lasorda hopes maybe he can punch a single.  He did more that and the A’s never recovered.  Gibson’s walk-off home run is considered the second or by others, the third most historic one in World Series history. 

Box Score Grade Importance: Priceless

Player’s history:
Kirk Gibson – Wikipedia
Dennis Eckersley – Wikipedia
Tommy Lasorda – Wikipedia
Tony La Russa – Wikipedia
Jose Canseco – Wikipedia

World Series Card #0034 – October 17, 1989

Autograph(s): Welch (D), Robinson, Mitchell – almost played in historic game.
  Game 3 – an event in World Series history that God willing will never be repeated. The card is symbolically signed by the two starting pitchers (Welsh & Robinson) that never threw a pitch and National League MVP Kevin Mitchell.
Note: Bob Welch is the last pitcher since 1990 to have won 25 or mare games in one season – 27 wins.

Box Score Grade Importance: 8.0

Player’s history:
Bob Welch (baseball) – Wikipedia
Don Robinson (baseball) – Wikipedia

World Series Card #0035 – October 27, 1991

Autograph(s): Morris , Puckett (HOF – D)  played in historic game.
Comment: Many baseball historians content that this pitching performance by Jack Morris was the greatest seventh game in World Series history.  And Morris only had this opportunity because in game #6, Kirby Puckett hit a walk-of 11th inning home run to extend the Series to a seventh game.

Box Score Grade Importance: 10

Player’s history:
Jack Morris – Wikipedia
Kirby Puckett – Wikipedia

World Series Card #0036 – October 23, 1993

Autograph(s): Joe Carter, Paul Monitor played in historic game.
Comment:  Joe Carter joined Bill Mazeroski as the only other player in World Series history to hit a walk off, series ending home run.  In this game Paul Monitor just missed hitting for the cycle.

Box Score Grade Importance9.9

Player’s history:
Joe Carter – Wikipedia
Paul Molitor — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2


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