PG Corp of New England

Baseball & Basketball

Cards, Sets, Posters & Video Games

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Current News: We have rare box score game cards signed by Willie Mays & Tim Wakefield.

Click the icon below to view Photo-graphic’s box score products!

Baseball box scores, oh how they shine,
A record of every hit, run, and line.
Innings pitched, batters faced,
Errors made, pitches chased.

At a glance, we see the score,
And all the players who played before.
Names and numbers, a sea of stats,
A story of triumph or bitter facts.

The box score tells the tale,
Of every pitch, every hit, every fail.
From first pitch to final out,
We see the players give it their shout.

So let’s raise our cups to baseball lore,
A record of every pitch and every hit, and more.
For they capture the magic of the game,
And keep the memories alive, all the same.

The Coffey Boys


The Photo-graphic Corporation of New England (est. 1981)
177 Old Bedford Road, Concord, MA 01742
            © 2024 all content & products
Box score cards, sets, & posters are registered trademarks with LOC & STate of Massachusetts
Contact: [email protected] 

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